Sending Local Events Management Content via Approved Email

  • Browser
  • iPad

Salesforce Files associated with event materials can be included in Approved Email sent for that event. This enables users to send local documents in Veeva CRM to non-CRM users, for example, event attendees and speakers.

Sending this local content within the CRM application via Approved Email enables users to send the right content to the right people without the need to first add the content in Vault. Using Approved Email templates with a dedicated token, users can search for Salesforce Files and include files in the email as a link. Email recipients can download the file to their device and have that interaction tracked in CRM.

Who Can Use this Feature?

  • Platforms – Browser, iPad
  • Licensing – Available to users with Events Management and Approved Email
  • Users – Admin Users, Content Creators, End Users

Configuring Sending Local Events Management Content via Approved Email

To configure this feature, complete the steps in all of the following configuration sections.


To configure this feature for admins and the integration user:

  1. Ensure the following features are enabled:

  2. Grant the following permissions:



    Record Types


















    • Veeva_Distribution_vod
    • Transaction_Type_vod


  3. Grant the CRM CDN Distribution Integration user Edit FLS to File_Type_vod and File_Extension_vod on the Veeva_Distribution_vod object.

End Users

To configure this feature for end users:

  1. Ensure the following features are enabled:

  2. Grant the following permissions:



    Record Types























    • CDN_Status_vod
    • CDN_Path_vod
    • CDN_Path_Contains_Org_vod
    • File_Extension_vod
    • File_Name_vod
    • File_Size_vod__c
    • File_Type_vod
    • Last_Processed_Date_vod
    • Last_Published_Version_vod
    • Processing_Status_vod
    • Status_Details_vod


    • Allow_Source_Download_vod

    • Content_Status_vod

    • Last_Published_File_vod

    • Veeva_Content_vod

  3. Grant end users access to the following Apex classes:

    • VeevaEventContentDocuments
    • VeevaCollectionUtils
    • VeevaEmCatalogTriggerUtil
    • VeevaDistributionRecordManagement
  4. Set Yes_vod as the default picklist value for the Approved_vod picklist on the EM_Event_Material_vod object. This step is optional and enables users to immediately send uploaded files.

Using Local Events Management Content in Approved Emails

Adding Salesforce Files to Event Material Records

Local Salesforce Files can be made available in Approved Emails by attaching the file to the appropriate EM_Event_Material_vod record.

Salesforce Files must be attached to EM_Event_Material_vod records with a status of Approved and have Yes_vod selected for the Approved_vod picklist.

The following formats are supported:

File Category

Supported File Extensions

Microsoft Office Files

  • .docx
  • .xlsx
  • .pptx



Audio Files

  • .mp3
  • .wav

Video Files

  • .mp4
  • .mov
  • .avi

Image Files

  • .jpg
  • .jpeg
  • .png
  • .gif

Adding the {{insertEventFiles}} Token to Email Templates

To enable this functionality in email templates, insert the {{insertEventFiles}} token. Approved Email content creators should consider the following when using the {{insertEventFiles}} token:

  • The token can only be used in Events Management email templates
  • The token should be enclosed in an empty <table> HTML tag

    Adding the token via the BEE Editor automatically encloses the token in the appropriate tag.

  • The token cannot be used in conjunction with the {{insertEmailFragments}} token. If both tokens are present in the Email Template, the {{insertEmailFragments}} token is ignored and does not render.

Styling the {{insertEventFiles}} Token

Displayed files can be styled via the enclosing <table> tag or via the following CSS classes:

  • .ae-dynamic-email-fragment – Controls the style of the table
  • .ae-dynamic-email-fragment td – Controls the style of the table cells
  • .ae-dynamic-email-fragment td.file-type-icon – Controls the style of table cells containing file icons
  • .ae-dynamic-email-fragment td.file-name – Controls the style of the table cells containing file names
  • .ae-dynamic-email-fragment a:link – Controls the style of an unvisited file link
  • .ae-dynamic-email-fragment a:visited – Controls the style of a visited file link

Adding Files to Events Management Approved Emails

To add local Salesforce Files related to an event to an Approved Email:

  1. Select the appropriate Events_Management_vod Approved Email template to send. Templates with the {{insertEventFiles}} token display a red placeholder prompting users to add files to the email.
  2. Select the Add Files () button to display the Add Files modal, which displays all Salesforce Files associated with the event via EM_Event_Material_vod records.

    Only Salesforce Files attached to EM_Event_Material_vod records with a status of Approved and an Approved_vod field of Yes_vod display as available for selection.

  3. Select the check box next to the appropriate files to add to the email. Users can locate files to add via the following methods:

    • Searching for a file’s name, description, or type
    • Filtering the list of files by the appropriate document type
  4. Select Add.
  5. Arrange the files in the appropriate order.

Previewing Approved Emails with Events Management Files

Once all appropriate files are added to the email and arranged, select the Preview button to preview how the inserted files will display in the final email sent to recipients. Files display as hyperlinks, with the name serving as the link text.

Viewing and Downloading Files From Sent Emails

Selecting the File Name hyperlink in the sent email displays the Salesforce File via the HCP Content Player in the device’s browser. Recipients can select the Download button to download the Salesforce File from the HCP Content Player.

Withdrawing Content Sent via Approved Email

If content sent via Approved Email becomes outdated, end users can remove recipient access by deleting the associated Salesforce File. When the Salesforce File is deleted, existing links to the content no longer function.

Tracking File Views and Downloads

When a file in an Approved Email is selected and downloaded by the recipient, an Email_Activity_vod record is created and associated with the Sent_Email_vod record representing the email. This Email_Activity_vod record has the following properties:

  • RecordType – Veeva_Content_Player_Activity_vod
  • Event_Type_vod – Downloaded_vod
  • Activity_DateTime_vod – The time the recipient selected Download
  • Veeva_Distribution_vod – References the Veeva Distribution record used to access the downloaded file
  • Transaction_Type_vod – Events_Management_vod
  • Client_Name_vod – The name of the email client used to open the email
  • Client_OS_vod – The operating system of the device used to open the email
  • Client_Type_vod – The client type used to open the email
  • Device_Type_vod – The device type used to open the email
  • User_Agent_vod – The user agent